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NEAR Development 101



## Auctioneer A simple auction marketplace built on the near protocol which enables users to perform the following functions - Upload their product for listing - Setting an opening price and a duration for the auction - Place a bid on products being auctioned - Withdraw the highest bid at the end of the auction - Transfer ownership to the highest bidder

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This is a project built on near protocol

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This project is an audiobook marketplace built on the NEAR Blockchain. Where users can add their own audiobooks by filling form that contains Title Description Image Link Audio Link and Price. Users can update their profile picture. Other users can Buy and Sell their books. And a Login Management System. More Details about the functions and a demo contract in the

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A simple DApp that allows the users to make donations or publish their own donation posts. The website allows you to change your profile picture or description to make your iteration more comfortable. You can publish or edit a post at any time, and all money donated will go directly to the creator of the post. Live demo -

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smart contract on the NEAR Protocol enables users to participate in a straightforward coin flipping game. Players can call the flip_coin function to make their guess on whether the outcome of a coin flip will be "heads" or "tails". The contract then simulates the coin flip and compares the player's guess with the actual outcome. If the guess is correct, the player earns a point; otherwise, they lose a point. Each player's points are tracked using an UnorderedMap, allowing them to accumulate points over multiple rounds. Additionally, the contract provides a points_of function, allowing anyone to view the total points of a specific player by providing their account ID. This simple yet interactive contract showcases the fundamental features of NEAR smart contracts, including state management and interaction with user accounts.

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ThreatWatch is a web application built on the NEAR blockchain to combat phishing URLs. It empowers users to collaboratively report suspicious URLs, building a community-driven, tamper-proof record of potential phishing attempts. By aggregating reports and leveraging blockchain's transparency, ThreatWatch aims to improve overall phishing detection, raise user awareness, and empower individuals to contribute to a safer online environment.


This project sticks to the marketplace theme but with a couple of new features, more details are found in the repository

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# Donation App Anyone can donate using their near wallet. ## Functions ### init Initialize the beneficiary address, name and description about. ### donate Donate any amount to the beneficiary ### change_beneficiary Change the beneficiary address, name and description about. ### reset_donations Reset dontaions ### get_donations Get recent donations ### get_donation_for_account Get dontaion for specified donation ### get_top_five_donors Get top donors

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10.5 REP

Streamx is a groundbreaking project that aims to revolutionize the streaming industry by leveraging the power of Web3 technology. Unlike traditional streaming platforms like Twitch, which operate on Web2 infrastructure, Streamx utilizes the Near blockchain to offer a decentralized and censorship-resistant streaming experience.

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PayTrust Freelance Hub is a decentralized application (DApp) designed to address the challenges faced by freelancers, especially in regions like Tunisia. The platform ensures secure and transparent transactions between clients and freelancers, tackling issues such as delayed payments and dissatisfaction with delivered work. Key Features: - Smart Contracts: PayTrust Freelance Hub leverages the power of blockchain through smart contracts to establish trust and transparency in transactions. These contracts autonomously manage payment flows, deadlines, and work acceptance, eliminating the need for intermediaries. - Payment Security: Payments are handled securely in Near, the native currency of the Near Protocol. The DApp incorporates a secure payment mechanism, safeguarding the financial interests of both clients and freelancers. - Contract Lifecycle: The DApp manages the entire contract lifecycle, from creation to completion. Users can create contracts, accept or reject offers, submit work, and receive payments—all while maintaining a clear and auditable record on the blockchain. How to Use: 1. Create a Contract: Clients can initiate contracts by specifying project details, deadlines, and payment terms. 2. Freelancer Acceptance: Freelancers review and accept contracts, triggering the secure locking of funds to ensure payment upon completion. 3. Work Submission: Freelancers submit their work through the DApp, providing clients with the necessary deliverables. 4. Payment: Upon successful completion, clients release payments securely through the DApp. Thank you for considering my submission! Your feedback and insights will contribute to the continuous improvement of PayTrust Freelance Hub.

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A decentralized marketplace built on the NEAR protocol, where a individuals can both buy and sell food on the NEAR blockchain, create their own market, buy and delete marketplace. It comes with a check on supplies. users are unable to buy once supply is finished

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This is a Dapp for Young Zimbabwean Artist to post their Unique Art Work and get paid for it, the concept will evolve into an NFT market

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BookHub: Is a decentralized platform build on the Near protocol, Where individuals can buy and sell books using the Near blockchain


### Concept Equip and pimp a 3D NEAR Kart NFT and mint it on the NEAR blockchain. This a Battle Kart dynamic NFTs on NEAR blockchain, NFT is upgradable as the Kart rises through the levels. ### Battle instructions - Each battle won increases your NEAR Kart level by 1 - Win items as your level increases - Upgrade and save your NEAR Kart once every 5 levels - The name of your NEAR Kart cannot be changed so choose wisely! NEAR Karts NFTs are NEP-171 NFTs on the NEAR blockchain.


Fruitful is a decentralized and secure farming marketplace system. Its built on the Near blockchain and securely stores all farm product transaction records. The avocado products and transaction are securely stored in the ledger and can be accessed by the farmer or the buyer.

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This is OpenSea clone NFT marketplace for Aurora EVM implemented on the NEAR Blockchain Here are its functionalities: - create NFT - createAuctionBid - createAuctionSale - createMarketSale - unlistItem

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Web3 dapp, based on Near Blockchain to create/promote and sell education courses in which people can learn how to install and maintain nodes of various blockchains

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NearAgro: A decentralized farmer marketplace built on the NEAR protocol, where a farmer can both buy and sell plant seeds on the NEAR blockchain, view more information about the seeds, create their own seeds, view seeds created, update and delete those seeds created and also get the list of seeds they purchased along with their information.

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Collectables is a simple DApp that allows user to purchase rare old coins. The user can also create new coin listings and sell the on the platform. Other functionalities include ability to delete all a single or all coin listings. Advanced enhancements such as authorization will be implemented in the future.

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Simple DApp that allows user to buy meal from multiple Restaurants at the same time. The dapp uses two contracts, the meal contract, where information about the meal is stored and the order contract which stores the order information for the user. User's can add their own stores and payment are made to a the foodiz hub payment address which is defined in the order contract. Near is the native currency used for all transaction on the dapp, demo link included in the repo, feedback welcomed

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This is a simple todo list app built on the near blockchain. You can come and create todos, then, later on, mark them as complete when done. You can also edit and delete your todos

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Postr is a near-protocol dapp that allows you to post stories, share ideas, ask questions and help others on their problems.

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This is a web application for Pizza Pap which is a pizza selling venture, that shows details about the services and different pizza they sell, their menu and also allows customers to order online for their preferred pizza depending on size, crust they need and also allows them to input a location which they would love the pizza to be delivered to.

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N-Tasker is a decentralized task scheduler web application, where a user can create a task, view all task created, delete a task, update a task and also view a the complete details of a specific task.

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This is a simple dapp on NEAR blockchain that can help manage to-dos. The smart contract was written in assemblyscript, and the front-end was built on React. LINK DEMO DAPP:

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This dapp is a sneaker marketplace where the users of the dapp can buy, sell and rate sneakers on the marketplace using a 3 star rating mechanism. The tutorial really helped me alot to create this dapp. hoping to get some feedback.

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Picturea is a dapp on the near blockchain that facilitates the decentralized buying and selling of digital high quality images.

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Near Market: Buy and sell movie posters and store information on near blockchain. The repository includes a complete project structure for AssemblyScript contracts targeting the NEAR platform. Demo link:

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NEAR_XCC_CALCULATOR ============================== Learn to make cross-contract-calls on near blockchain the easy way. Perform basic arithmetic operation using cross-contract-calls (xcc). App features: App is divided into two sub-folders. Each sub-folder has a rust contract. The main contract resides in xcc_calculator folder. The project also has a React based frontend to interact with the contracts. Easy to understand and replicate.


A demo decentralized ecommerce web3 app built on Near blockchain. We can order anything with Near or another token (this dapp's token)
