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Celo Frontend 101

Celo Frontend 101

This course teaches developers how to build the frontend for a simple marketplace dapp on the Celo blockchain with the Celo Composer, using Next.js.

Learning Objective

After finishing the learning materials you will:

Understand how to set up a project for building a frontend for a Celo dapp.
Learn to connect contracts and implement components for the decentralized marketplace.
Test the dapp and understand the potential applications and limitations.


In order to complete this course you should:

Basic understanding of the Celo blockchain and ecosystem.
Experience with JavaScript and React for building user interfaces.
Familiarity with modern frontend development tools and frameworks, such as NextJS and Tailwind CSS.

Learning Modules

These are the learning modules included in this course.

Building the Frontend for a Marketplace Dapp with Celo Composer

80 分钟

This tutorial teaches developers how to build the frontend for a simple marketplace dapp on the Celo blockchain using Celo Composer, Next.js, TailwindCSS, RainbowKit and WAGMI.